Thursday, September 26, 2024

Fall Colors - Just In My Neighborhood


Song:  Us And Them (Pink Floyd Cover)

Bass Flute:  Cicero Moura

8 String Guitar:  Tomaz Mota

I decided to take a drive around my immediate neighborhood
to capture some of the fall colors.

At first...
the weather was cold...
we even had a light snow fall...
and then...
over the past several days...
we have been having rather warm weather during the daytime (high 60s)...
and so...
the Aspens started turning colors on some parts of the mountain...
and on other parts...
they are are still waiting for cold weather once again before turning.

The trees around my home are not quite turning colors yet...
 for the most part...
yet some nearby trees have already turned.

I thought I would drive around to capture the trees 
that have turned colors before they fade.

Trees to the left of my home are only partially turning.

Aspens on the ridge line to my front have turned...

while this grove of Aspens just in front of my home have yet to turn.

...or to the right of my home.

This is a picture of my street going up the mountain...
but I decided to go down the mountain first...
to get my mail.

I will later ride my trike all around my mountain.

This is my street going down the mountain.

These are some of my neighbors near the bottom of the mountain.

I was nearing the bottom of the mountain...
when this bull decided to block my car from going forward.

The man in the approaching car stopped behind the bull and goaded him off the road.

Once the bull ambled towards its herd...
I got my mail and headed back up towards my home.

Me on my way back up the mountain.

I then drove past my home and continued up the mountain.

I was near the top here.

I continued down another road on another part of the mountain.

Around each corner...
I was treated to new and beautiful sights.

I had never taken this road before...
so I had fun just exploring.

These Aspens were at their peak color.

The light green trees are Aspens yet to turn their brilliant yellow.

I soon reached the bottom of the mountain and reconnected to the road I use 
to go up the mountain to my home.

I discovered a fairly new restaurant in the small town just 10 - 15 minutes away 
from my home.

It has BBQ...
all types of burgers...
steaks and fajitas...
and is open for food until 9 PM.

I am going to try it tonight.

So far...
I had tried some of the local food...
and other restaurants in the large town 30 minutes away.
My younger sister and I had an excellent Italian dinner there.
I had the best Chicken Parmesian and Spaghetti plate...
the chicken was huge...covered in melted Mozzarella...and it was tender and juicy.
My younger sister had Shrimp Fettuccini...
which had huge shrimp and was so good.

It was my first time I had been in an authentic Italian restaurant.
The waiter looked as if he had come from Italy...
and the cook looked to be his mother.
It was so good.

So far...
I had only eaten at one restaurant in Colorado Springs (1 Hour away)...
it was an excellent all you can eat sushi place.

The owner is from Japan...
and so...
the food was really good.

There are quite a few Japanese restaurants in Colorado Springs...
as well as all types of others.


I have been receiving packages at home 
(UPS and FED EX...
as well as from certain large stores (Costco / Home Depot..among others)...
which deliver to my home.

But with Amazon...
I have to pick up the packages at the post office a little over 10 minutes away.

The other day I had to make two trips...
as I had filled my car up with the first trip
(they allow me to use a mail cart to put the packages into the car).

I just ordered a queen sized mattress...
but the frame should be arriving in the next few days.

Sleeping on a cot is getting old  :)

I just received a large food dehydrator today.

I will be using it in the garage...
and I will only open the garage door once the food is done...
as I don't want to attract bears to my home while the food dehydrates.

I will probably dehydrate Habaneros first...
so I may make Ham Hocks and Beans with habaneros.

I will then dehydrate all sorts of veggies for use in other dishes 
throughout the year.

I bought a huge cooler to transport large meats and frozen veggies from Costco...
and other frozen dishes from Trader Joe's and from the Asian market
in Colorado Springs.

I also got a vacuum sealer and a very large cutting board so I may
portion the large cuts of beef from Costco into single serving steaks...
and roasts, for freezing. 

I also bought ten metal trash cans for dry goods storage 
in the first floor storage room.

I will buy many hundreds of pounds of pinto beans...
rice...and other dry goods...
and store them in the metal trash cans...
so as to not attract rodents or insects
(although I don't know if they live this high up.
I've seen no evidence of any...but just to be on the safe side).

I am going to also stock up on sprout seeds...
and I will soon begin making my own yogurt with a yogurt maker...
and powdered milk.

This way I will have a large stock of food at home...
so I won't have to shop often...
especially during winter.


Although I am not getting nearly so out of breath...
or feeling so tired because of the elevation (over 9,600 ft. in elevation)...
it took me over a week to get to this point.

I will continue to acclimate over the next few months...
even though I moved from a home more than 5,400 ft. in elevation...
in the mountains above Reno, Nevada.

I realize now that any guests I get...
especially from near sea level...
are going to be VERY tired and out of breath for at least the first week.

They may even experience flu like symptoms
(body aches...congested nose...light headaches...
even I had them for the first 3 days).

besides letting them get lots of rest...
I must make sure they stay hydrated.


Bandi didn't seem to feel any negative effects from the altitude.

I guess that dogs in general...
have a large lung capacity for their body...
and so...
she is happily chasing her toys without any labored breathing.

More than anything...

she loves going on car rides.


  1. I love the golden color of Aspens in the fall. My dad told me years ago that out west some people call them Quakies because of the way their leaves flutter and "quake" in the wind.

    Interesting that it is taking you time to acclimate to the elevation even though you had been living in relatively high country back in Nevada. I guess the extra 4000 feet makes a big difference.

  2. Yes, plus my initial lack of sleep greatly magnified the negative effects. But, I was very surprised at how much it had affected me.


III - The Broadmoor 7 Falls - Our Walk Back

  Song:  Goodbye Blue Sky Group:  Pink Floyd This is the outside portion of the restaurant at the base of the falls. This is the pond with r...